Transition Programs


Transition is an important process for any student entering the college for the first time and also when they advance to the next year level.

To provide our students with the best possible start to the following academic year, we have developed a targeted end of year transition program for all students’ Years 7 – 11 for the following year. Students going into Year 11 and 12 complete one week of transition; Students going into Years 8 – 10 complete two weeks of transition. Students are required to wear full school uniform and to bring a pen and exercise book with them.

Students will receive documents from subject teachers that provide:

  • An overview of the course
  • Requirements for satisfactory completion
  • Procedures / tasks for determining the level of achievement
  • Tasks that need to be completed over the holidays. Texts / equipment that students will need.

Grade 6 – Year 7 Transition Program

The staff at Glen Eira College are aware that the transition from Grade 6 to Year 7, although exciting for many students, can also be a source of anxiety and apprehension. It is our primary focus to ensure our students feel safe and happy. Hence, a careful transition program has been organised to prepare students for their move to secondary college.

Year 7 Parent Evening: Term 1

Transition from Primary School to Secondary College can be difficult for parents and guardians. In Term 1 the college hosts a parent evening which encourages Year 7 parents to meet with many of their child’s teachers, other parents and members of the college community.

Open Day / Night – Occurs in Term 2 

Parents are invited to an Open Night at the college which provides a presentation of college policies and curriculum. Time is scheduled for questions and concerns to be addressed. Time is available to tour the college so that parents can view classes, activities and services in operation and to speak with current staff, student and parent representatives.

Tours during the open day with the Principal at 9.15am, 11.30am and 1.45pm

Evening presentation at 6.30pm,  followed by tours

Languages Open Day – Occurs Term 2

Tours with the Principal and visits to language classes at 9.15 am

Visits by Transition Coordinators

Year 7 teacher representatives visit each school to meet Grade 6 students before their visit to Glen Eira College. This gives the students a chance to ask questions in their own surroundings and ensures that they see a familiar face on their visit to our college.

Year 7 Induction Program

The Year 7 Induction Program is a set of strategies developed by teachers of Year 7 to address the issues faced by students during the transition from primary to secondary school. The program ensures a uniform start to secondary school for all students. The aim of the program is to provide students with a physically and emotionally safe environment whereby students develop a sense of “connectedness” and belonging to the Glen Eira school community. Strategies include a checklist of activities for the first day that provides students with “basic survival” skills for getting to know the people at the college, the college environment and school rules. This is followed up over the next two weeks by a range of engaging and fun activities, providing students with support and further skills they require for a smooth transition.

Orientation Day – Students

Students will be placed into their team groups and meet their year level coordinator and other key teachers and participate in structured classes and team building activities. Current Year 9 students are trained as peer support leaders and provide outstanding assistance for the day. Students are given all the information they require so they feel comfortable about starting secondary college.

Orientation Information Night for parents of Year 7 students 

We welcome the parents of students who will be attending the college in the following year. This will be an informative session where parents will be given the opportunity to discuss transition issues and be given general information on the workings of the college.

Junior School to Senior School Transition

At Glen Eira College we have in place careers and transition programs that provide our students with careers advice to support them with making informed and effective course and career decisions. Our aim is to provide a broad range of pathways that complement individual student abilities and interests. Having established important links with tertiary institutions and industries for the delivery of an extensive number of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Traineeships programs, our students can choose a VCE program with workplace learning as a key component.

The Careers and Pathways Coordinator, Heather Palm provides students with a range of material about courses and careers. In addition, our students are supported with career advice, Managed Individual Pathways (MIPS), subject selection advice and are given the opportunity to participate in Work Experience in Year 10.