Enrolling at GEC

Enrolling into Year 7 for the Commencement of the Following Year

The Department sets the guidelines and process for enrolling a student in a government school at Year 7.  Parents and Carers can access the information pack, at


1.       For students currently attending a Victorian Government primary school

​Complete the Application for Year 7 Placement 2025. This will be distributed by your primary school.

List Glen Eira College as your first school preference (Section 4B).

Return the form to your child’s government primary school or directly to GEC by Friday 10th May.

2.       For students currently attending a non-Government primary school (Catholic or Independent)

Complete the Application for Year 7 Placement 2025 form from the website listed above.

List Glen Eira College as your first school preference (Section 4B).

Return the form to your child’s non-government primary school or directly to GEC by Friday 10th May.

Application For Year 7 Placement 2025

Placement offers for all students   

Parents/carers receive notification of placement offers.

If there are more applications than positions, the DT placement guidelines are used as follows:

  1. Order for Priority Enrolments In circumstances where schools do not have sufficient accommodation to accept all students who apply from outside their school zone, schools must manage enrolment applications in accordance with the following priority order of placement:
    1. Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time
    2. Students seeking enrolments into the French 1st Language Program, French Immersion Program or Japanese Immersion Program.
    3. All other students in order of closeness of their home to the school.

In exceptional circumstances, a student may be enrolled in a school based on compassionate grounds. This is an overarching consideration and does not form part of the priority order of placement. Further information is available below under ‘Exceptional circumstances – compassionate grounds’.

More information on Order of Priority can be found here: https://www2.education.vic.gov.au/pal/enrolment/guidance/placement-policy


Parents or guardians are invited to contact the General Office to make an appointment with Mrs Tanya Tsiakos to arrange an interview.  The general office will fill in an enrolment inquiry form for you over the phone.  Alternately you can complete the Enrolment Inquiry Form on line and email it to the General Office.  Mrs Tanya Tsiakos will then contact you.

Student Application Form Enquiry Form

Overseas Full Fee Paying students should contact Ms Yumi Liu.

To the interview, parent/carers should provide:

  • Copies of recent school reports and any other relevant reports
  • A visa to establish status (overseas students only)
  • Details of any custody arrangements.

At enrolment parents will:

  • Complete an enrolment form
  • All other paper work will be emailed to the parent/carer
  • Pay the council requested Parent Payment charges
  • Be given book and uniform details
  • Assist with student course selection
  • Complete an Illness Management Plan

Once enrolment is complete:

  • Students will be placed in a team group and allocated to classes
  • Uniform and books will need to be purchased by the parent / carer


Our School Zone

Our school zone is available on

findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones.  This link takes you directly to the Glen Eira College zone:


Students residing in this zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.

The Department provides guidance through the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and the freedom to choose other schools, subject to facility limitations.

You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions on the Department’s website under School zones.