

Teaching and Learning of Languages at Glen Eira College

Bonjour, Shalom, Konnichiwa!

We offer 3 languages:

  • French
  • Hebrew
  • Japanese

At Glen Eira College, our students not only learn a language but they live the language. Whether students choose French, Japanese or Hebrew, students learn the language in a meaningful way in order to be able to communicate in different socio-cultural contexts. In class, students are encouraged communicate in the language studied while also making connection with their own language(s). Our approach to language learning is to provide students with the opportunity to use language immediately in meaningful and authentic situations.

The cultural content is an essential aspect of our teaching. Students explore intercultural perspectives and learn about of the different communities speaking the language they study. They explore the literature, cinema, history and social organisation of other cultures. They consider other worldviews and are encouraged to make connections and reflect on their own.

At Glen Eira College, making language learning meaningful and authentic also means participating in language extracurricular activities. Students have the opportunity to go on excursions, to be involved in language clubs and to celebrate various cultural events such as Cultural Diversity, Francophonie Week, Chanuka, etc.

French classes



There are 3 options available for the learning of French at Glen Eira College.

  • French LOTE (Language other than English). This is a standard language course.
  • French Immersion. This program is aimed at students with no previous knowledge of French. Students learn French and also study Humanities in French
  • French 1st language program. This program is aimed at students who have completed their primary schooling in French.

For information on the teaching and learning of French, please go to the french page.


  • Hebrew is offered with the support of the United Jewish Education Board (UJEB).


Japanese classes


There are 2 options available for the learning of Japanese at Glen Eira College:

  • Japanese LOTE (Language other than English). This is a standard language course.
  • Japanese Immersion. In this program, students learn Japanese and they also study Science in Japanese. This program caters for students with different levels of ability in Japanese although students do not need to have existing skills in Japanese to opt in. Motivation and a love of languages is the main requirement. More advanced students or students who have had previous exposure to Japanese language may be offered an accelerated program in which they complete Years 7 to 10 curriculum in 3 years. If there language skills progress sufficiently these students will then have the opportunity to start VCE Japanese in Year 10.